Sending emails with EmailJS

Sending emails with EmailJS

This is the library =>

I need to sign up, they have free service.

Then I go to the admin panel =>

I connect an email service (gmail in my case). Must allow "Send email on your behalf" permission during connection.

Then I go and create an email template (I'm still in the admin panel). I see it on the left bar.

The parameters I want to add and use in my application will go in mustache style => {{message}}

Example template =>

Hello {{to_name}},

You got a new message from {{from_name}} // {{from_email}}:


Best wishes,
EmailJS team

In order to use this service on my app, I need the following variables : service id , template id and public key.

I find the service id in email services section, connected to my mail address.

I find the template id in email templates section.

Lastly, I find the public key in my account section. I save all three somewhere safe. I generally use env variables for that.


In my application, I install the emailJs library with => yarn add emailjs/browser and

I create a form and get the following input from user: name, message,email.

I won't show a snippet of the form. I used ReactJs but you can use whatever framework you want, or Vanilla JS.

To the form's submit function I add the following snippet =>

          to_name: "Murat",
          from_name: name,
          message: message,
          from_email: email,

As you can see, the parameters I take are the same one's I've defined in EmailJs's email template.

That's it. I can receive 200 emails for free.